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パープルストライドのイベントは、膵臓がん撲滅という、パンキャンジャパンの使命について啓発をするものです。そして、開催地の人々と一緒に、膵臓がんのない、より良い未来のために前進(Stride)する機会をつくろうというものです。 そして、このイベントは研究支援、患者支援、そして希望をつくる活動のためのファンドレイジングも行っています。集められた資金は、膵臓がんの患者と治療法を研究する医師たちの支援になり、また、政府がさらに研究予算を割くように運動する目的につかわれます。




This year, in communities across the country, tens of thousands of people will participate in one of over fifty PurpleStride events. These events range in size from brief walks to longer timed-runs, but they all share one common goal – to end pancreatic cancer.

PurpleStride events raise awareness about the critical mission of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, and give local residents the opportunity to help make strides toward a better future. The events also contribute millions of dollars toward our mission to advance research, support patients and create hope. Funds raised help provide personalized support for patients and support research grants and advocacy efforts to increase federal pancreatic cancer research funding.

or participants, it is a journey toward hope that is filled with inspiration. It is a time to honor loved ones fighting pancreatic cancer. It is a day when all of the family and friends of pancreatic cancer patients can come together in solidarity and gain both comfort and encouragement.


About the Cause

It is estimated that more than 46,000 Americans and 30,000 Japanese will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year. It is the fourth leading cause of cancer death, with a five-year survival rate of just 6%. Pancreatic cancer has the lowest relative survival rate of any major cancer.
Pancreatic cancer is the most under-funded, under-recognized and least-studied of all major cancer killers with only two percent of the National Cancer Institute's annual budget dedicated to pancreatic cancer research.

Our Mission

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is a nationwide network of people dedicated to working together to advance research, support patients and create hope for those affected by pancreatic cancer.


Since 2003, we have funded 110 research grants totaling nearly $23 million. In addition to growing the field of investigators focused on pancreatic cancer, this funding answers important scientific questions and helps foster collaboration across disciplines and institutions.

Government Affairs & Advocacy

With an office in Washington D.C., we educate elected officials about pancreatic cancer and the need to increase federal research funding dedicated to studying the disease. Our advocacy efforts have helped to increase federal funding for pancreatic cancer research from just over $17 million in 1999 to nearly $100 million in 2011, a $82 million increase.

Patient Services

Patient and Liaison Services (PALS) connects patients and their families with dedicated, highly trained staff who provide comprehensive information and resources about the disease, including treatment options, clinical trials, and diet, all free of charge. As of 2012, more than 70,000 individuals have been served by the PALS program.

Community Outreach

We support volunteers across the country who help raise the national visibility of pancreatic cancer through local events, attendance at health fairs, distribution of patient information to hospitals and doctors’ offices, contacting the media, and educating elected officials about the need for increased federal research funding.



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膵臓がん National Advocacy Day









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