Pancreatic Cancer Action Networkでは、 以下の研究開発課題について公募いたします。
The RFAs note:
(Precision Medicine) There are no restrictions on citizenship or country of origin, but note that the Precision Promise Clinical Trial Consortium currently operates only in the United States.
(Early Detection) There are no restrictions on citizenship or country of origin, but note that the new-onset diabetes cohort is currently designed to operate only in the United States.
The other funding opportunities listed in this month’s News & Updates are through the NCI/NIH, and therefore do not accept international applications.
OPEN Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Precision Medicine Targeted Grant
Amount: Up to $1,000,000
Supports translational and clinically relevant projects that are identified as next steps for our Precision Promise initiative
Application deadline: February 15, 2017, Noon EST
(Precision Medicine) There are no restrictions on citizenship or country of origin, but note that the Precision Promise Clinical Trial Consortium currently operates only in the United States.
Apply now:
OPEN Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Early Detection Targeted Grant
Amount: Up to $1,000,000
Supports studies to utilize a cohort of new onset diabetics with high risk of sporadic pancreatic cancer; projects will focus on blood biomarkers or imaging approaches
Application deadline: February 22, 2017, Noon EST
(Early Detection) There are no restrictions on citizenship or country of origin, but note that the new-onset diabetes cohort is currently designed to operate only in the United States.
Apply now:
Building a Community for Progress
In addition to receiving financial support for their research, grantees participate in the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s Community for Progress. Our mentorship program connects grantees with leading scientists in the field. Ongoing career support activities offer opportunities for education and professional development to help keep our community of researchers committed and involved.
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